Kilgore College


Schools - Colleges and Universities


Brenda Kays

Manuel Almanza
Marketing Operations & Outreach

Charles Blaylock

Brenda Brown
Program Specialist, Workforce Development

Ben Cammack

Bo Camp

John Colville
IT Director

Chris Craddock

Danny Darden

Bill Gibbs
Director of Marketing and Enrollment Management

Trey Hattaway

Mike Jenkins
Executive Vice President

Becky Johnson

Tony Johnson

Richard Jones

Sandra Koonce-Milholland
PT Teacher

Lee Littlefield

Eva McClellan

Gem Meacham

Courtney Pruitt
Athletic Director

Kyla Sather
Career Director

Karen Scibona
Executive Aide to the President

D'Wayne Shaw
Dean of Public Service and Industrial Technologies at Kilgore College

Tracy Skopek
Vice President of Instruction

Rachel Stallard
Coordinator of Marketing Operation and Outreach

Patty Stevenson

Kristen Stovall
Dean of Business

William Stowe
Dean of Information and Instruction Technology

Jeremy Thomas
IT Tech

Martha Woodruff
Director, Workforce Development

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