Longview Regional Medical Center




Brett Maxfield
Interim CEO /COO

Paul Adams

Cindy Boston

Libby Bryson
Director of Marketing

Gary Bull

Kelly Chambliss

Becca Childress-Culpepper
Executive Assistant to Steve Gordon, CEO

Jimmy Clark

Michael Clark

Mike Crismer

Debbie Crockett

Jackie Davis

Keith Ellison
Chief Nursing Officer

Roy Finch

Carla Ford

Kathy Gartman

Susie Gillespie

Virginia Hardaway

John Hargrave

Scott Harris

Jessica Hayes

Rhonda Henry

Terri Johnson

Wesley Knight

Julie Krc

Jessica Lightle

Wendy McDonald

Terri Mickelboro
Human Resources Coordinator

Jason Moore

Tommy Morey

Sha Morgan

Kathy Munson

Laura Murphy

Clarence Norton

Jean Norton

Brenda Nymer

Accounts Payable

Allyson Phillips
Senior Accountant

LaHoma Pittman

Sandra Robinett
Human Resources Generalist

Beverly Rutland

David Sawyer

Naseem Sawyer

Pam Scott

Sharon Shaw

Kelly Shultz

Cindy Slaughter

Kelly Sneed

Rhonda Spitler

Sue Stewart

Arieka Thompson

Crystal Thornton

Tony Torres

Jason Varney

Nicole Walden
Human Resources Director

Natalie Waskel

Terri Welch

Kaycee Whatley

Melinda Whitehurst

Mandy Wright

Michelle Wylie

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